The first underwater restaurant in the world is open to the Maldives 2007th year. It’s called “Ita”, which means “pearl”, and is located five meters below the surface of the Indian Ocean. Surrounded by picturesque coral, offers customers a view into the circle of 270 degrees in underwater life. The restaurant is designed in the reconstruction of the island Rangalifinolu .

Medical restaurant (Taiwan)
“DS Music Restaurant in Taipei restaurant done in a hospital-style, with glass walls, waitresses dressed as nurses and drinks that are used in making bags for infusion. The owner of the restaurant came to this idea because he wanted to express gratitude for the care they provided to him by doctors while he was in a local hospital.

Bathroom-restaurant (Taiwan)
Have you ever heard that people go to dinner in the toilet and well spent? Restaurant “Marton team in Kaohsiung is done in the style toilet and a big hit among locals and tourists. Decorated as usual and every bathroom, with lamps shaped vessel night and chairs that are, in fact, the toilet in color. Food is served in a plate and bowl-shaped urinal and “squatting” on tables made of where and covered in glass. The restaurant is named after the Chinese word “matong” meaning toilet. The owner Eric Wang says that his catering facility “does not only sell food but also laughter. Food is common for this area, a complete meal, including soup and ice cream, costs 6 to $ 10.

Cabbages and condoms (Thailand)
Thai chain of restaurants “Cabbage and Condoms” offers its customers another unique experience. The restaurant walls are condoms, and condom images are printed on the carpets. Instead of chocolate bars, customers at the end of the dinner will be offered condoms. Earnings realize that the restaurant goes to the Association for the Development of population and community.

War Restaurant (Lebanon)
Bread in the form of missiles, as well as potatoes shells – unusual menu and environment make this a unique chain of restaurants in Lebanon. “Buns and Guns restaurant” is known throughout the country as a “house of AK-47 Kalashnikov,” which is, in fact, a sandwich with beef.
Cookbooks wear helmets, and customers can order the “Claymore pizza and enjoy your meal with the sounds of rifle fire and explosion. Just says the motto of this restaurant that reads “sandwich can kill you.”

Restaurant “cannibal” (Japan)
The name of the restaurant, “Nyotaimori” literally means “plate of the female body, so no wonder they call it the” cannibal restaurant. Here you will be served and other dishes in the shape of the human body, located on the operating table, as in the hospital. Target customers is to “dissolve” the body and eat inside. The body will “bleed” while cut and intestines and other internal organs are completely edible.

Prison (Italy)
This restaurant is situated within a well-guarded prison in the Italian Walter, near Pisa, and so popular that officials open more such facilities.
With the sounds of the piano which plays Bruno, was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder, customers dine surrounded by high walls about 20 meters, guard towers, floodlights and security cameras.
Under the sharp eye of armed guards, twenty chefs and waiters are there to serve food to customers that have passed stringent security controls. The tables in this restaurant reservations weeks in advance.

Restaurant at the cemetery (India)
New Lucky Restaurant “in Amadabadu famous for his tea with milk, butter and crescent – the graves between the tables. The building was built over an ancient, closed the Muslim cemetery, but do not know who is buried in small coffins on the floor of the restaurant. Customers like environment, and the owner Crisana Kuti Nair believes that it is enough.Graves are painted green, and the manager of the restaurant every day and put them in a flower. Located in, as it seems, without a line inside the building – one with the cash register, three in the middle, and four to the kitchen wall.

In the dark (China)
The “dark” restaurant in Asia was officially opened in December 2006. in Beijing. Inside the building is completely painted in black, and the customers entrance welcoming waiters with glasses for night vision and carry them to dark rooms, so they can help you find a seat. Flashlights, mobile phones and even watches that light up are strictly forbidden in this restaurant. If you are wondering about using the toilet, there is no reason for concern, because these rooms lit.