The Panchathan Record Inn and AM Studios are composer/music director A. R. Rahman's Studios on his street at Kodambakkam, Chennai in Tamil Nadu. The Inn was established in 1989, attached to his backyard, and developed into the most developed studio in Asia. Located very close to his home, it houses equipment like theEuphonix System 5 Audio Mixing system. The studio has been designed by Studio 440 and the state of the artequipment is from Daxco Digital. His team includes acclaimed sound engineers of Chennai film music including the late H. Sridhar, S .Sivakumar, Aditya Modi, A.S. Laxmi Narayanan, his manager Noell James, and Co-Ordinator Samidurai.
In 2005, A. R. Rahman built a new studio, part of a redevelopment and extension project of the inn, called AMStudios. Mixing takes place at both the inn and the commercial A. M Studios for films. Other music directors use AM Studios for recording. Rahman also owns the newly built KM Musiq Studios in London where he has also mixed scores.