The drink was distributed by Suntory. The label design, which adorns a transparent bottle, is predominantly white and looks fit for the festive market.
The Japan Marketing News article suggests that “a deeper, more memorable flavour” would have been more appropriate taking into consideration the time of year and the traditional spike in the consumption of sweet products.
Pepsi Twist
Pepsi Twist is a lemon flavored cola, marketed by PepsiCo as an alternative to regular Pepsi.
Pepsi Summer Mix

Pepsi with tropical fruit flavors. Released in early Spring of 2007, and was discontinued Fall to Winter of 2007. Was available in limited areas only; was a big hit for the northeastern United States.
Pepsi Samba

A “Tropical Flavoured Cola” containing the flavors Mango & Tamarind, distributed in Australia. It was released in Australia in the 3rd Quarter of 2005 and was expected to be in production for a limited time only. Many people did not like the taste.
Pepsi Ice Cucumber

While the bottle clearly describes it as “combination” of cucumber and cola, there just isn’t much cola flavor to it. The drink takes on a somewhat sweet and fruity flavor, but the artificial cucumber flavor is noticeable, in my opinion. It’s interesting for a few sips, but then the artificial cucumber aftertaste kicks in, making it pretty nasty. At the supermarket I went to, there was a huge dent in the Ice Cucumber display, which probably meant a lot of people bought a few bottles because of the novelty/hype. It will be interesting to see if its popularity lasts…
Pepsi Holiday Spice

Pepsi Holiday Spice, a limited-edition soda that will only be available during the holiday season. It is regular Pepsi infused with cinnamon and ginger flavors. It tastes more like nutmeg and cloves to me, but what do I know? The soda definitely has a different and unique flavor, and kind of conveys that “holiday” feeling. It is quite drinkable, but the novelty doesn’t go very far. The spices are pretty mild, and after drinking most of the 20-ounce bottle, the spice flavor was much less noticeable. A stronger spice flavor would really get people’s attention and make the soda something to talk about. Instead, it will probably be quickly forgotten.
Pepsi Fire and Ice

Pepsi Fire and Pepsi Ice were introduced recently in Asian countries such as Singapore (see photo), and Mexico. Fans have reported being barred from bringing the products in to the United States, but some die-hards sneak the new hot fire and cold ice drinks across the border.
Pepsi BOOM

A caffeine, sugar and artificial sweetener-free Pepsi only sold in Germany, Italy and Spain.
Pepsi Blue Hawaii

Pepsi is up to it’s old tricks again. It seems like the world’s second most popular softdrink wants to make a tradition of releasing a limited edition ‘weird’ flavour every summer. Perhaps they felt following with another vegetable flavour was too predictable, so they went back to those slightly boring fruity flavours.
Diet Pepsi Jazz

It’s a brand of soda made by the Pepsi company in 2006. The name was first recommended to Pepsi Co. by a student, Chip Boyle, who called the company and left a suggestion for the company’s marketing campaign to “have more jazz, something like ‘Pepsi Jazz’”. It is a specifically named variant of Pepsi’s popular Diet Pepsi product, combining several different flavors.There are currently three different kinds available: Jazz with Black Cherry and French Vanilla, Jazz with Strawberries and Cream, and Caramel Cream.
Crystal Pepsi

Crystal Pepsi was a caffeine-free soft drink made by PepsiCo from 1992 to 1993 in the United States, Canada, and for a short time in Australia. Crystal Pepsi was sold for a longer time in Europe.